Definition: A country’s DIUM (Uniform Distance Table for International Freight Traffic) comprises various data concerning international rail freight transport used by Railway Undertakings (RU) and customers to complete the CIM consignment note/CUV wagon note to calculate the tax payable on a journey, as well as other helpful commercial and/or technical information for these journeys. The DIUM is published periodically in electronic format by the Railway Undertakings (RUs) concerned.
UIC leaflet 219 lays down the conditions for publishing this electronic data: Structure of the Excel and PDF files: format & requirements for creating the file and model. Transmission of the data to UIC (timescale). Distribution of the electronic data. List of publications and the RUs responsible for publishing them. A list of abbreviations is available at the end of this leaflet.
UIC Extranet: This page includes only national DIUM tables in PDF format. tables in EXCEL format are available on the UIC Extranet. DIUM Working group members can directly upload, updates between two editions, to the UIC Extranet.
Attention: New DIUM Information Retrieval Procedure Announced
From January 1, 2025, the DIUM information will be published through the UIC ATLAS application.
DIUM July 2024
Code | Country | Document |
AT | Austria Österreich Autriche |
BE | Belgium Belgien Belgique |
BG | Bulgaria Bulgarien Bulgarie |
CH | Switzerland Schweiz Suisse |
CZ | Czech Republic Tschechische Republik République Tchèque |
DE | Germany Deutschland Allemagne |
DK | Denmark Dänemark Danemark |
ES | Spain Spanien Espagne |
FI | Finland Finnland Finlande |
FR | France Frankreich France |
GB | United Kingdom Vereinigtes Königreich Royaume-Uni |
GR | Greece Griechenland Grèce |
HR | Croatia Kroatien Croatie |
HU | Hungary Ungarn Hongrie |
IT | Italy Italien Italie |
LT | Lithuania Litauen Lituanie |
LU | Luxembourg Luxemburg Luxembourg |
LV | Latvia Lettland Lettonie |
MK | Macedonia (former Yugoslav Republic of) Mazedonien (ehemalige jugoslawische Republik) Macédoine (Ex-République yougoslave de) |
NL | Netherlands Niederlande Pays-bas |
PL | Poland Polen Pologne |
RO | Romania Rumänien Roumanie |
RS | Serbia Serbie Serbien |
SE | Sweden Schweden Suède |
SI | Slovenia Slowenien Slovénie |
SK | Slovakia Slowakei Slovaquie |
UA | Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine |