Friday 14 April 2023

Forum side event: “Making the case for rail as the backbone of sustainable mobility in Latin America”

(El ferrocarril como eje vertebral del transporte sostenible de personas y carga en el futuro)

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Date: 25 April 2023
Time: 13:00 (local time) – 19:00 (CET)
• In person: UN ECLAC Headquarters, Aula 2 – Sector ILPES, Santiago de Chile (register here)
• Online: Link here
Language: Spanish, with translation into English and vice-versa

On the occasion of the 6th Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development 2023, which is taking place in Santiago de Chile, UIC is working with the host of the forum, the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), to co-organise a side event.

The goal of this event is to promote dialogue between policymakers, financial experts and transport experts to discuss the importance of a multimodal approach to transport systems, including the role of rail as a low-carbon solution for the transport of people and goods. Speakers will address the following issues:

  • How policy is changing in Latin America to advance modal shift.
  • The investment gap for implementation of such a modal shift.
  • The role of rail and where it is headed in Latin America. The benefits that rail can offer.
  • Opportunities for rail corridors.
  • How to advance multimodality and intermodality.

The UIC vision for 2030 describes a future in which we are on track to decarbonise transport, with a thriving, sustainable transport system that has generated many benefits for society. It paints a picture of the end of this decade when, given the right action and investment, there has been a 50% increase in the modal share of rail (and public transport), and it serves as the backbone of a sustainable mobility system. Panellists will discuss how this vision can be implemented in Latin America and the benefits that it could bring.

Draft agenda:

  • Welcome remarks from Keiji Inoue, UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean International Trade and Integration Division Officer in charge, and François Davenne, UIC Director General
  • Fireside chat – where is policy headed? Miryam Saade Hazin, UN ECLAC and Ministry of Transport of Chile
  • Presentation of Latin American activities by Miryam Saade Hazin, UN ECLAC
  • “More Trains” campaign video and presentation by Lucie Anderton, UIC Head of Sustainability
  • Panel discussion with Q&A: “Sustainable mobility in Latin America and the role of rail” moderated by Lucie Anderton and with representatives from UIC, ANP Trilhos, EFE Chile, SLOCAT and Banco Interamericano de Desarollo
  • Closing remarks

We look forward to connecting with you at this event!

For further information please contact Vanessa Perez:

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