Friday 8 December 2023

A delegation from the South African Railway Safety Regulator visits UIC

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The Railway Safety Regulator (RSR) visited UIC on 27 November 2023 and met with the UIC Safety Unit and Security Division to discuss possible areas for partnership. Some of the topics considered with the Safety Unit were UIC railway safety standards (high-speed rail operation and regulating safety critical grades), the roles of different European stakeholders, and how RSR could participate in the development of standards and the related processes at UIC.

Furthermore, discussions with the Security Division focused on security challenges, regulatory approaches to security within the EU and in other areas of UIC involvement, and in particular the prevention of metal theft. The delegation was given information on the practical tools available, such as the Rail Security Hub and its added value for its users.

Further possible areas for cooperation with UIC in relation to security, best practices and insights were then also explored.

For more information on the activities of UIC Africa, please contact Maria Lafont at lafont at

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